The power of time. In recent weeks I have read about and congratulated several colleagues as they embark on their retirement.
It brings a smile to my face to see videos of respected men and women who spend 30 and even 40 years on Television. When I watch their goodbye videos and their changing faces decade by decade I feel a knot in my throat and tears in my eyes!
As I scroll through their social media and read their posts some very candid about "what do I do next?" I cant help to think...
I know what you are going through my dear brother and sister.
My first day home without a job, an email, a zoom call, a plan for the next storm or scheduling crisis was a confusing time for me.
When the goodbyes and congratulatory messages finally settle and you realize It's not the weekend it can get lonely and scary.
Amidst my confusion and the questions full of pressure asking...what are you gonna do next? I decided to ignore the reporter attitude of lets - get -something- done and took advice from a former truck driver turned successful real estate investor.
KEEP YOUR LIFE SIMPLE, easy and happy. Pick three things that make you happy and stick to that.
That meant saying saying NO to engagements that sounded work-like and that pulled me back into the grind. That meant saying NO a lot.
I began to focus on the WHY I was here, Why I had chosen retirement... KIDS, HEALTH, FINANCIAL FREEDOM. Everything else was just noise (and ego).
The moment I allowed that to settle, allowed myself to feel accomplished and proud of the now and the journey I began to feel free.
Within a couple of weeks you too, I wish I would have retired 10 years ago!
And I say this because time is cruel. And age is shallow, unforgiven and a nasty thing to carry around.
Which brings me to a quote I like
“Time is a currency you can only spend once, so be careful how you spend it.”
― Harmon Okinyo
Today my kids are little, my parents are well, my knees only hurt slightly.
Doing this older would have been a lot more difficult on me, my ego and my body.
IF you ask me in the street how I'm doing I usually I say I'm great, sometimes I say I'm perfect and sometimes when I'm being more candid, I'll tell you I'm healing.
I'm h e a l i n g because as wonderful as TV jobs are or any career can be, the demand is HIGH.
And that high is something you have to wean off.
Hats off to you retired friends, congratulations, take it easy and be gentle to yourself.
My advice to anyone in the field, in any field, reading this in their 20, 30's 40's 50's is to save save save, plan, plan, plan invest and get out young to enjoy deadline free, pain-free and financially free. SI PUEDES!